Sunday, January 4, 2009


So, it's 2009! Wow! Remember when we were kids and we thought that in the 2000's we would be wearing space suits and living somewhat like the Jetson's? Or, maybe that was just me. I've always had a wild imagination. I guess I never really thought much about being 35 and having kids the age mine are and being where I'm at now. When we are young we pretty much live in the moment and don't think much past our 20's. We like to think about getting that first boyfriend. That first kiss. Then our "Sweet Sixteen" and driver's liscence. Then of course graduation and our 18th birthday aren't far from that. Freedom, Adulthood, College! Whoohoo, here we come! Then of course we want that diamond ring and to set a date! And if we are really doing things the right way, the Wedding Night!! MMMHHMMM!! Then of course we want to have that sweet precious little baby a few years down the road!! And all the while we are saying "Jesus don't come back yet, just wait til I get this" But once we reach these milestones, then what? What's next on the agenda? For me, I got married at 20, had my first baby at 23, then my next at 26, mormon dr. said don't come back pregnant and I said HALLELUJA!!! Me and being preggers are not compatable. The next milestone was turning 30, which I did with open arms, I had no problem with 30, thought it was great. In fact I stayed 30 for 3 years! It finally hit me that I was 30 when I was 34, and my dad did an alter call one Sunday and asked for everyone under 30 to come down front and I couldn't go. I started crying. It dawned on me that youth was slipping away from me. I was getting closer to middle age than my 20's, and that didn't sit too well. Then my 35th birthday started getting close. That sucked to be blunt. I've never had an issue with age. Ever. For some reason, this year was really affecting me, especially since I know that 35 is not old It could be because my hormones are really screwed up right now, but that's a whole other story. I started talking to friends of mine in their 40's and 50's, and over half of them said that for some wierd reason, 35 was worse for them than 40. And none of them got it either. That made me feel better, like I wasn't too much of a freak, at least more than usual. So, I decided I'm going skydiving and getting a tattoo. Got the tattoo, it's awesome, I love it, a princess crown on my right shoulder blade area, purple and pink, and as soon as I get the money together I'm going skydiving. It looks like so much fun! I went with some friends this fall and watched, and it made me just really want to do it more. Can you say midlife crisis? So, you're asking me, "where is your faith in all this? Are you spending time with the Lord? Why aren't you talking about God?" Here's the deal. I do have lots of faith, of course not as much as I should have, it's always a work in progress with me. I'm constantly asking God to reveal His plan and purpose to me as to what He wants for me, and for John and I as a couple right now as far as ministry, after all He did call us into ministry. I do spend time with the Lord, probly not as much as I should. And I'm just not super spirtual like most people so I don't always talk about all the time I do spend or the things that do go on, because those are things that are for us. That's just me. I Love the Lord with everything in me and know that He has everything under control and one of these days will let me in on it! : ) So these are my ramblings, the life of a 35 yr old mom trying to find her place, herself and just figuring out the whole aging thing! Toodles!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well, it's that time of year to be thankful, and cheerful, and all that wonderful stuff. And I'm sitting here, and all I can think is, " I need a vacation from my kids!" The scary thing is that they aren't even out of school for Christmas Break yet! Being a parent is never easy. When they're newborns they pee and poop, puke, and sleep and cry, and wake you up in the night, and can never actually tell you what's wrong. Then they become toddlers, and break things, still can't tell you what's wrong, but sure know how to scream and say "NO!". Then they turn 3, and usually, if you were in my house, things just got worse, not better, but at least they could talk, and tell you what they just flushed down the toilet that is now making it overflow. The years keep going by, and each age seems to have it's, "thing". Everyone tells you when they're babies that it gets better when they're older, they are lying to you!! It just gets different! Ok, maybe I'm being dramatic, I've been known to do that from time to time. It does get better, you can reason with them, and have conversation, and they get to where they tell you they love you and not only mean it, but understand what they are saying. That's cool. Mine are 12 and 9, and driving me nuts, and I need a vacation!!! But, I look at them, and today I held a newborn, and remembered how it all began. I really do love my kids, and it really is all worth it. And whenever I do get that vacation, you know that the first night, I'll be calling to check on the boogers!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Here I go

Well, this is my first blog. I guess you could call me a first timer. I figured it would be easier to let everyone know how things are going here with the Hurleys if I did it this way, than to do email! So, things are fine. The kids are huge, Justin is 12 and over 5ft 8in!! Tyler is 9 and up to my chin! They are crazy as ever, espcially Tyler, I know, "shocking"! John's working in the bay area right now, so things are a little crazy right now. My hormones are over the edge and I'm trying to just be thankful he has a job, but when he's gone so much, it's really hard. An ADHD 9 yr old is not an easy task for 1 woman to handle when a 12 year old puberty ridden roller coaster ride is in the mix! Throw in there ovaries with cysts and fibroids in the uterus with hormones bouncing off the ceiling, well, let's just say that on Thursday nights when Daddy walks in the door, EVEYONE is happy, even him(for 5 seconds)!!!
But other than that, we really are doing great!! : ) I know that God is in control and no matter what, He has a plan for us and will take care of us!! Just the fact that John has a job is proof of that. So, when times are crazy, and you're ready to tear out your hair, or bonk your kids heads together, remember, God is in control, and He is ALWAYS Faithful!!!!!

Love ya'll,